Monday, November 18, 2013

Walupt Lake Horse Camp

Walupt Lake HC is also an overnight fee site, Northwest Forest Pass, weed free feed, and local firewood area.

There are great loop options at this site, Goat Rocks Wilderness is really beautiful, the trail system are used by multiple non motorized users.

The camp sites are very nice and large enough for bigger rigs.

The high line areas were nice and clean, shaded and close enough to the camp site to be well monitored. 

 The loops varied in elevation gains and miles.
As they varied in overall topography too..

Snow is still an issue in July, if the winter was a heavy snow fall season, so be prepared.

Remember if you cross a creek in the morning and the water was manageable, the snow melt can cause creeks to rise significantly by late afternoon.

The views of Goat Rocks, Mt. Adams, and Mt. Rainier can be seen on trails in this area...

Mt. Adams

 Keenes Horse Camp has two areas, the lower area which sets along the creek, and the newer upper area which is a little more open and lighter. The day use parking area and the water tank sets between them. Both are very nice.

The riding from Keenes can literally take you in all directions. Going north from here you can ride all the way over to Cody Horse Camp, with Green Trails Map Blue Lake #334 head west out of camp on trail 120 this trail will intersect with trail # 116 north will take you up to 7A and on into Cody Horse Camp. You can make a nice loop by returning on trail #115A then on to #115 - then #120 and back into Keenes Horse Camp.

Green Mountain is a beautiful view point, from Keenes HC take trail #120 west, go west on #116, north west on #115, west on #110 this trail will take you right up to the top. You can see 4 peaks on a clear day from this point. 

This view is from 7A on top right before you drop down into Cody Horse Camp. 
This is on 7A above Cody HC looking back at Mt. Adams, this area never disapoints. 

Riding south of Keenes HC on trail #113, the trail is very nice with a variety of terrain and views. 
Lupin, Indian Paintbrush, subalpine areas, meadows, the mountain coming in and out of view makes for a great ride. 

This is a beautiful meadow bench at the south end of trail #113 right before it connects into PCT 2000.
With a great view of Mt. Rainier.

Here is Killen Creek Falls, this is a perfect place for lunch, this loop takes you south of the Keenes HC on trails # 13 past Muddy Meadows, then connects to PCT 2000, on to #113 and then FS rd 2329
back to Keenes HC. 

Killen Creek Falls
Veiws from the PCT 2000 ~ Mt. Rainier 

More views of Rainier and below, a great view of Mt. Adams from Muddy Meadows ...

The above are but a few images of this area.  It is very popular on the week ends and for good reason. There are fees for overnight use, and a Northwest Forest Pass is required, this area is a weed free feed, and must burn local fire wood.